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Employee protection

Employee protection of top priority

Are the machines your employees work on safe? Certain regulations ensure machine safety. In Germany, one of these is the regulation on the revision of requirements for occupational health and safety in the use of work equipment and hazardous substances (Ordinance on Industrial Safety and Health). In other countries, similar regulations are in effect. This provides clear safety requirements for owners of machines and plants.

Regulation requirements

What does this specifically mean for you as an owner? Machines may only be operated after a hazard assessment has been carried out, thereby determining the appropriate protective measures, and these have been implemented in accordance with the state of the art and the operation of the machine has ultimately been deemed safe.

The protective measures on the machines must always be adapted to the state of the art if this is necessary and proportionate. However, operation of the machines must be safe in all cases. This also applies to machines with a CE marking. The German Ordinance on Industrial Safety and Health also states that there is no provision made to safeguard existing standards for older machines!

 The hazard assessment must be conducted regularly if safety-relevant changes are made, there is new information (findings from accidents or occupational medicine), or an effectiveness test of the protective measures has shown that these are not sufficient.

In the case of rolling mills, for example, one of the greatest potential hazards is the feed section in the roller gap. Accidents occurring here usually result in irreversible injuries. Therefore, it is essential to implement appropriate safety devices, in order to prevent such accidents.

Retrofitting safety elements

We, DEGUMA, can assist you: We check whether your machines are up to date and offer high quality and reliable retrofit kits (with or without installation) for all rolling mill types and sizes. In our retrofit kits, the requirements of the "Professional Association of Raw Materials and Chemical Industry" have already been implemented, which will soon be published as checklists. This allows you to bring the safety equipment of your machines to the required level and reestablish the protection of your employees.

For more information about how you can retrofit your machines with support from DEGUMA, please contact our knowledgeable sales team. As always, we also have machines in stock: as-is, partly updated or completely modernized.

Call or send us an email – we are pleased to provide our support.

Further information regarding safety:

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